Natalie having a treat. |
My little man. |
My dancing Queen! |
Fast asleep on the couch..poor baby had a fever on the weekend. |
All ready for her first day of gymnastics. |
My Tiny Dancer. |
The twins! | | | | | | | | |
So its been a while since my last post. Things have been insane around here and I haven't got a chance to blog. Last Wednesday the twins went for their 4 month check up. Man oh man are they chubby....Rhodes is 15lbs 14oz and Bella is 14lbs 9oz!!! They've caught right up in their growth, always a good thing to hear. Unfortunately Bella has inherited my monster head, and her head is measuring in the 95th percentile. Natalies head measures in over the 100th percentile...Rhodes head is normal haha, lucky guy!
Natalie started gymnastics on Tuesday. She looked absolutely adorable but wasn't well behaved at all. She was whiny, wanted to only do one thing and wouldn't follow instructions. I'm hoping that next class she's better. I'll give her another couple of chances before I stop going. I already paid for it so I hope she gets the hang of it. She was sick on the weekend, had a fever and a runny nose. I let her fall asleep in my bed then moved her to her crib. As much as I hate it when she's sick, I kind of love it too because she is sooo cuddly and every mommy loves her cuddle time. Unfortunately Natalie has hit her "terrible two" stage. She's changed so much in the past month. She whines for everything, doesn't use her manners, won't eat anything and has started acting out towards her brother and sister. I miss my sweet baby girl, but I see little glimpses of her every now and then haha. I know its just a stage, just can't wait for it to be over.
So as I mentioned before the twins have been growing like weeds. They have been eating a lot more and sleeping amazingly well. They are 4 and a half months old and they sleep 10-12 hours most nights. Got to love sleeping babies...
Anyway all the kids are sound asleep and I am SO ready for bed!!!
Enjoy the pics. xoxo
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