Tuesday, 20 December 2011


I have been majorly slacking on my blog posts, sorry. It has been busy, busy. Andrews been working crazy hours and by the time I get all the kids to bed, and all the chores done the last thing I want to do is blog!!!
I'm almost ready for the holidays, got most of the presents wrapped and some I have had to re-wrap thanks to Miss Natalie. Luckily she didn't open anything that was hers. We spoiled the babes a bit this year. Last Christmas was not a memorable one. Andrew left for work on Christmas morning, and it was very quiet. This year my sister is here from Princeton with my nieces, Hanna and Sawyer, so Christmas morning will be very busy and exciting! Also, its the twins first Christmas so its a special year. Natalie is very into presents now, so its fun to watch her. Shes excited for Santa to come, sometimes she runs to the window and looks for him. Anyway, here are some pictures from the last little while! Enjoy xoxo


Bella looks SO much like her Poppa!!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


I can't believe my babies are old enough to be eating solids. I can not say it enough...where did all that time go? I guess having 2 babies makes time go twice as fast haha. I've been starting off slow with solids, making sure that I take notice if something is bothering Bella or Rhodes! So far the twins have tried rice cereal and peas. Rhodes has been difficult with eating, I knew one of them would be but I thought for sure it would be Bella. She finishes her bowl every time...little miss piggy! I'm sure Rhodes will get the hang of it eventually, he just doesn't like the texture. Here are some pictures of them having some dinner..enjoy xoxo

Monday, 14 November 2011

My Cuties

Making this a quick one tonight. I am so tired, its been a long day with lots of crying and whining! Natalie didn't nap and the twins are teething, enough said haha. Here are some shots from the kids from the weekend! Enjoy xoxo

Still obsessed with the Penaten.

My new favorite picture of Natalie. She is growing up so fast and looks like such a big girl now!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Just Some Random Pictures

So, Natalie seems to have an odd obsession with Penaten. The other night she was playing upstairs and became unusually quiet. I put down the babies, walked upstairs and this is what I found.
 She was wearing her old summer hat and using the Penaten as lipstick. This one is obsessed with make-up, tattoos and piercings. UH-OH hahaha. She's such a stinker but she's too cute so it's hard to get mad at her.

Apparently Rhodes can fall asleep anywhere. I think he's going to be the type of kid who can fall asleep in his high chair mid meal. Natalie was never, ever like that. The only place she would fall asleep was her bed, the car and sometimes the stroller if we were lucky.

Bella seriously has the craziest hair ever. It has a mind of its own and no matter how hard I try I can not get it to stay down.  Right now, its super cute but fast forward 13 years and I don't think she'll like it too much haha. All the kids have really bad cowlicks thanks to their Daddy and Auntie Katie...they can blame them where they're older!

 Other exciting news from the week is that our kitchen is almost complete. All we are waiting for is our new counter top and we also have to put on the hardware and then its finished!!! Sometime soon were ripping up all the carpet in the living room and carrying on the laminate flooring. We're also replacing the carpet in the basement and turning it into a huge playroom for the kids. I'm so excited to get all these renovations done just in time for Christmas!! One of our "gifts" to Natalie is getting the play room done. I'm thinking lots of Sesame Street wall decals and chalkboard paint for the walls!! She's going to love it. Hope you enjoy the pictures xoxo

Thursday, 3 November 2011


Well Halloween was truly disappointing this year. Natalie woke up grumpy from her nap and informed me that she did not want to do anything. Her response to dressing up was "NO". That's her new favorite word haha. I finally convinced her to dress up and man did she look cute! Those of you who know her can just imagine the theatrics from her, she was touching her face and looking at herself in the mirror, saying "pretty"...oh what a goof! It turned out to be a chilly night so auntie Katie stayed at home with the twins and handed out candy. Natalie and I headed out at around 6pm and were back home by 7pm...I guess free candy isn't her thing haha, she just wanted to go home.

She was on a mission!         

So our house has literally been turned upside down since Friday...I've been living without a kitchen and that is no easy task when you have 3 young children! I'm really hoping that everything will be done by the weekend so that I can have my main floor back. I'm sooo excited to see everything finished and also for all the extra cupboard space! I'll post pictures as soon as everything is finished.

Here are some more pictures of the kids from throughout the week! Enjoy xoxo

Prince Rhodes

Hanging out with Daddy.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

My Munchkins

I'm kind of failing at this blog thing. I thought I would be able to post daily, and that is definitely not working out haha!!! My life is just way to crazy lately. Natalie just cut a molar, and both the twins are teething too. I'm gearing up for months of fevers, drool and crying!! Poor babies.
We're starting a kitchen reno this weekend. I think I have gone crazy because no one in their right mind would tear apart their house when they have 3 kids lol. Friday we start the demo, Saturday is laying new flooring in the kitchen and living room and Sunday is installing all of our new cabinets. I'm just looking forward to Monday because that will mean its over and we'll have a beautiful, new kitchen!
Anyway this past weekend/week was busy, busy but I did manage to snap some cute shots of all my munchkins!! Enjoy the pictures and wish me luck this weekend! xoxo

Thursday, 20 October 2011


A couple pictures from our first day home from the hospital.

One of my favorite pictures of Natalie to date.
Came across some pictures of Natalie when she was a baby! She was such a cutie! Just thought I would share a couple pictures!!! Enjoy xo

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Metal Munchkins

So I thought it would be fun to dress the kids in their band shirts this weekend and take pictures. I got a couple cute shots, no thanks to Natalie. She kept yanking down the sheet I was trying to use as a background, and at one point she closed the guitar case lid, with the babies inside! She is such a brat. Its been one busy weekend, Andrews been working insane hours! We did get a chance to go to our friends house on Saturday night to fondue! It was soo yummy, I only wish we could have stayed longer to visit, always seems like there is never enough time in the day! Well, its almost 11pm and I am so ready for bed!! Enjoy the pics. xoxo

Miss Natalie decided to take matters into her own hands and get the juice from the fridge!

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Growing up

Ahhhh...the twins are 5 months old today!!! They had their immunizations this past week, definitely not one of my favorite things to do. Luckily, both babies were great and had stopped crying by the time we got back into the waiting room! They're troopers.
Natalie continues to be so sassy. I cant even snap good pictures of her anymore because she just looks away or rolls her eyes back in her head haha. She is such a little brat but a lovable brat just the same. Here are some pics from throughout the week! Enjoy xoxo

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Ahhh, its been another busy week/weekend. Andrew had his first show on Saturday night with his new band, Enemy Surplus. They did amazingly well and its always fun watching him up on stage. On Sunday we had a family day, just hung out, went for a walk with the kids. Andrew has been working a lot lately, so its just been the me, Hendrix and the munchkins. On Monday Natalie had her 2 year check-up, shes 29lbs and her head is in the like 115th percentile hehe! Poor girls got my huge pumpkin head. Tuesday Natalie went to gymnastics with her auntie. They had a lot of fun and when she got home she told me all about it. She really does tell the best stories even if I don't completely understand everything she says!! On Wednesday we had a play date with Natalies best pals, Koen and Dexter!!! Koen is her "boyfriend"...they're always fighting but then they kiss and hug all the time. I think we're going to have to keep an extra close eye on those two in the future...Anyway I just finished watching Jersey Shore and The Big Bang Theory so I am off to bed! As always, enjoy the pictures! xoxo

Natalie closes her eye now when you ask her to smile lol


Rhodey in his Bumbo

Koen giving Natalie a kiss and saying sorry after he hit her!

Natalie cuddling with Poppa.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Natalie having a treat.

My little man.

My dancing Queen!

Fast asleep on the couch..poor baby had a fever on the weekend.

All ready for her first day of gymnastics.

My Tiny Dancer.

The twins!        

So its been a while since my last post. Things have been insane around here and I haven't got a chance to blog. Last Wednesday the twins went for their 4 month check up. Man oh man are they chubby....Rhodes is 15lbs 14oz and Bella is 14lbs 9oz!!! They've caught right up in their growth, always a good thing to hear. Unfortunately Bella has inherited my monster head, and her head is measuring in the 95th percentile. Natalies head measures in over the 100th percentile...Rhodes head is normal haha, lucky guy!
Natalie started gymnastics on Tuesday. She looked absolutely adorable but wasn't well behaved at all. She was whiny, wanted to only do one thing and wouldn't follow instructions. I'm hoping that next class she's better. I'll give her another couple of chances before I stop going. I already paid for it so I hope she gets the hang of it. She was sick on the weekend, had a fever and a runny nose. I let her fall asleep in my bed then moved her to her crib. As much as I hate it when she's sick, I kind of love it too because she is sooo cuddly and every mommy loves her cuddle time. Unfortunately Natalie has hit her "terrible two" stage. She's changed so much in the past month. She whines for everything, doesn't use her manners, won't eat anything and has started acting out towards her brother and sister. I miss my sweet baby girl, but I see little glimpses of her every now and then haha. I know its just a stage,  just can't wait for it to be over.
So as I mentioned before the twins have been growing like weeds. They have been eating a lot more and sleeping amazingly well. They are 4 and a half months old and they sleep 10-12 hours most nights.  Got to love sleeping babies...
Anyway all the kids are sound asleep and I am SO ready for bed!!!
Enjoy the pics. xoxo