I have been majorly slacking on my blog posts, sorry. It has been busy, busy. Andrews been working crazy hours and by the time I get all the kids to bed, and all the chores done the last thing I want to do is blog!!!
I'm almost ready for the holidays, got most of the presents wrapped and some I have had to re-wrap thanks to Miss Natalie. Luckily she didn't open anything that was hers. We spoiled the babes a bit this year. Last Christmas was not a memorable one. Andrew left for work on Christmas morning, and it was very quiet. This year my sister is here from Princeton with my nieces, Hanna and Sawyer, so Christmas morning will be very busy and exciting! Also, its the twins first Christmas so its a special year. Natalie is very into presents now, so its fun to watch her. Shes excited for Santa to come, sometimes she runs to the window and looks for him. Anyway, here are some pictures from the last little while! Enjoy xoxo
Bella looks SO much like her Poppa!! |